
I am a Political Scientist specializing in international relations and political methodology. From 2017 to 2019, I was a Junior Research Fellow at the Bryan RooneyCarlos III – Juan March Institute.  I earned my Ph.D. from the Department of Political Science at Vanderbilt University in 2017.

My research interests include domestic politics and international conflict, states of emergency in democracies, autocratization, state capacity, UN voting, and quantitative methods. My work has been published or accepted for publication in the Journal of Conflict Resolution, International Studies Quarterly, the Journal of Peace Research, Comparative Politics, Governance, Research and Politics, Foreign Policy Analysis and International Interactions and has been featured on The Monkey Cage in The Washington Post.

I have collected original data on emergency provisions, examining 147 state constitutions, over 500 amendments, and relevant legislative acts in democratic states from 1816 to the present. I find that an unforeseen consequence of allowing democratic leaders enhanced power to navigate external conflicts is an increased propensity for conflict, and that institutional rules designed to preserve the democratic order may in fact undermine it. 

My CV is available here, and my publications and published work and works in progress can be viewed on my research page.

You can contact me at bryanandrewrooney@gmail.com
